Wednesday, August 21, 2024

UKWW Tournament Maddy vs Parker

UKWW Lockerroom

The UKWW Locker room... it's been a bit since I've been in here. The last time was when I lost the title to Luke... I still owe him a rematch for that. Anyhow, a new tournament is starting up for the recently created TV Title. In Round One, I'm facing a young guy, Parker Ramsey. As usual, I'm taking a long shower before the match getting my thoughts on how I plan to take this young buck down. You can hear the shower running while I clean myself, finally, turn the water off and dry off before wandering out completely naked.

"Hey Paker, you ready for this out there?" I casually ask as I make my way to my locker. Opening it up, I start pulling out my gear, a set of blue trunks and boots, my usual.

I was thrilled to be taking part in the UKWW-TV title tournament. I was pitted against a tough opponent for sure named Madison Jones. But I was confident in my own skill set which was none too shabby. I stood 5’10” and weighed in at 180 pounds. But was still a bit smaller than he was. As he exited the shower and stood nude I could not help but look at his impressive male parts, "Ummmmm" I stammered staring at his thick tool and big-ass balls, "I mean yeah! sure am. Hope you don't mind losing to a newer guy in the league." I could already feel my cock hardening in my black gym trunks

Decide to dress up a little differently since we are talking, so I take a seat and start by lacing up my boots nice and slow. "Tell me, Parker, you're new to the industry, right? You realize what's will happen out there, this isn't just rolling around for a pin. We are talking about sexual domination here... you ever been fucked in front of a crowd this size, not to mention all those people watching at home?" I finish lacing up one boot while I speak letting you drink in the sight of my near-naked body sitting there on the wood bench.

"I know the score dude. I'm new but not a cherry. I've fucked in front of an audience before." I can tell my voice has a bit of attitude in it as much as I tried to hide it. I didn't particularly like how you appeared to talking down to me. I'd give you the respect you deserve but I was totally looking forward to beating you even more now. "So yeah man, I know it's not just...rolling around!" I readjusted my own growing cock as I drink in the sight of your well-put-together frame.

I can see the shift in your behavior, that's good. "Hey, didn't mean to imply you don't know what is going on. Just faced a lot of boys lately who don't seem to understand what they are getting into." Finish lacing up my boots and stand tall, my hardening cock sticking straight out while I look you over. Follow up by stepping into my blue trunks and pulling them up, then tucking the boys away nice and firm. "It's the first round of the tournament and will set the tone for the whole thing, and I plan to set that tone well Parker. Fuck me if you can, but if you can't, just know I'll try to make it as pleasant for you as I can." I then glance over to the door, then the clock above it, "They're about to call me out. Anything you need to ask?"

"Just do you prefer to be lubed up or not? That'll be important shortly." I say with a confident smirk. I stand and watch you and can't help but wonder if I will look that good in 10 years.

I pause to think. "If you want to lube up, I'm not stopping you. Probably make it easier to milk you when I have you trapped. See you out there Parker." With that, I turn and head out...

UKWW Ringside 

The Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the UKWW TV Title Tournament... ROUND ONE! The following is scheduled for one fall by pinfall, submission, or knockout! LOOOSER GEEETS FUCKKKKED! Making his way first to the ring, from San Francisco, California. Standing at 5'10" and weighing in at 210 lbs, he is the IN-SPUR-ATIONAL MAAAAADISON JOOOOOONES!

An English cover of the song Alumina plays as I make my way there, the crowd cheering for me given my fame not just in the federation, but in multiple organizations. In this first round, I plan to make a dominant show, as the former champ here... it is expected of me. Stepping out from the back, sparks pour over me as I open my arms.

Madison's Pyro Entrance

Coming to the ring, I slap hands with the fans, smiling the whole way. The arena is huge and at near max capacity, easily a few thousand in attendance, not to mention all those watching live from their homes. I roll into it, climb a buckle, and raise both hands while the crowd showers me flashes from their phones. Finally, I drop down and turn my attention to the curtain, waiting for Parker Ramsey to come and join me.

<Image>  - Madison Jones

The Announcer
"And his opponent standing 5' 10" tall and weighing in at 180 pounds, Hailing from Erie, Pennsylvania...PARKER RAMSEY!"

I come sprinting down the aisle to a few cheers but mostly jeers as you are much more well known. I wear just simple black trunks and black wrestling shoes. I get up on the second ropes of the near turnbuckle and flex showing off some nice bicep bulges to the fans. I do a quick leap over the rope and stick the landing as I stare you down and meet at the center of the ring where the referee goes over the rules we both know but he has to anyway

Watching you the whole way, I make note of the star potential you have if you were to get a little older. A nice humbling fuck would do wonders for you, and my cock jumps at the idea of giving that to you. As the ref starts going over the rules, I come to the center of the ring and hold out my hand for a nice shake, eyes locked with yours.

<Image> - Handshake

"Shake?" I ask...

I see maybe I overreacted at your earlier comments and do a quick shake of your hand before heading back to my corner and bouncing around on the balls of my feet. I'm so pumped full of energy I'm having trouble containing it all. The referee calls for the bell, DING! DING! DING! I come out quite quickly and immediately go for a leg drag takedown hoping you were expecting a classic collar & elbow lock-up

I stay in the center of the ring after the shake, both hands coming up defensive when the bell rings. You are correct, I am looking for a collar and elbow, the traditional opening to a wrestling match. Starting to circle with you, you drop down gripping my legs, and take me down to the canvas early. Falling to my back, I grab one of your arms and wrench it up behind your back tightly in a hammerlock while shifting my weight, us starting off in a jumbled mess of limbs trying to get control of each other.

With you face down I can tell you don't have a solid grip on my arm. With a tug, I can wrench it free. now, with me at your side, I can pull you to your feet by grabbing a fistful of hair and chop your knees from the back with a leg sweep while at the same time pushing you backward effectively slamming your back down hard to the canvas.

Grabbing a fist full of hair, you pull me to my knees while the crowd cheers, you are young and full of energy, but also reckless expecting me to just take what you throw. Knocking me back down with a chop to my knee, I land on my back throwing out both hands to hit the canvas and mitigate some of the impact, an old martial arts trick I've been using since I was a kid. More importantly, I bring my knees to my chest and proceed to kick both of them at you, right in the chest, knocking you away from me with the impact. I then roll away on my side to the ropes afterward putting some distance between us.

I was totally unprepared for the counter kick with both feet slamming into my chest. It was a powerful impact and I was sent almost flying backwards with only the turnbuckles stopping my momentum. I draped my arms out over the top ropes on either side of the corner and winced in pain as I looked down to see a big red mark on my lightly-haired chest.

Well, if you are in the corner, I want to take advantage of that. Unfortunately, with your youth, I doubt I could get there fast enough and I'm not foolish enough to come charging in. Instead, I use the ropes to pull myself to my feet, saving some energy in the process while I admire the red mark on my chest. Both hands come up defensive again, this time me looking out for quick moves, and then I approach you in the corner. When I get there, I pull back my right hand and try to land a backhanded knife chop to your pecs, wanting to make that red mark even larger.

Your backhanded chop impacts hard making a loud SMACK as it impacts my chest sending sweat flying and indeed making a bigger red mark. I wince in pain and my legs even fly up for a moment then come back down. I know I have to counter and do so by sending a punch to your exposed abs hoping to at least back you off for a moment for me to recover.

You send a counter punch to my abs, the impact knocking me away about a foot, but they are nice and firm, rock hard, and ready for abuse. All the same, I reach forward and grab hold of your hand... both of them, eyes locked with yours. I fall to my back and throw both boots into your core, then kick you over me out of the corner into the center of the ring with a Monkey Flip. I keep hold of your hands afterward as I have a follow-up I'm planning in a moment.

Monkey Flip

I was a tad disappointed my punch lacked the desired potency. But in short order, I found myself monkey-flipped out of the corner to land hard on my back...WHAM! I hit the canvas hard wincing in pain as you maintained hold of both my wrists.

With both of us on our backs, I release one hand so I can roll on my side, shifting onto my knees alongside you. Not wasting a moment, I reach for the hand I just released and then try to mount your chest, aiming to hold both of them down alongside your head with my bulge right in your face. "Having fun yet?" I say with a smirk as I shove it forward enough for you to sniff if you want.

In another setting, like in your apartment alone, I might very well enjoy what is happening but here in the ring in front of the crowd, it's humiliating. Your musk scent is unmistakable as you shove your bulge into my face, I shake my head from side to side to avoid it as much as I can. I try to hoist my legs back in an attempt to snag your neck and throw you off!

I can't help but smirk as you start to panic, shifting your head side to side to avoid my bulge. Right as I'm about to grind it against your face, you kick up your legs around my head and flip me off you to the side. I take the impact on my back, then roll on my side to the ropes starting to pull myself up near a corner. I do so a little slow, hoping to bait you into charging at me...

I do in fact charge you but not for a full-on body impact move. I stop just short and launch a standing drop kick aimed squarely at your back hoping to slam you hard into the corner.

While I was hoping you would come in for a spear or something really reckless like that, the fact remains I'm taking a defensive action while you come rushing in, and a missile dropkick counts. When I hear and feel the patter of your boots on the canvas rushing towards me, I know something is up when they suddenly stop. Dropping down flat, your dropkick misses, instead hitting the turnbuckle above me. I'm already rolling out of the ring as you come down on the canvas, reaching in to grab your boot, lifting it, and then trying to slam it down on the apron.

Knee to the Apron

If that all works, I'll be outside of the ring with the Ref looking to start counting in a moment...

I went from feeling confident to being in a world of hurt in seconds. I do a sit up my face contorted in pain as you slam my leg down over the ring apron. And yes, the referee does start counting you out. But with you outside the ring, I can crawl away from that side of the ring on my hands & knees as he continues to count you out.

He starts up his count while you are reeling from the pain of that move. Crawling away from me, I slide back in as I don't care to get too rough with you out there, also on my hands and knees looking at you like a predator. I rise to my feet and try to go for something early now... I reach down to wrap my arms around your waist, then pull your as against my hard bulge with a tight grip, I try to lift and suplex you over top me with a good old fashioned German Suplex.

Deadlift German Suplex Pin

If it works, I hold the arch and let it count as a pin, the Ref sliding in to start his count.

I felt myself wrapped up and heaved up and over. Again I slam the canvas hard in your German suplex. The referee goes down for the count but only lets to "One!" before I can get an arm up and kick out of it. As I struggle to my feet I execute a sidekick that connects with your ribcage.

Kicking out of the pin just as I hoped, I fall flat on the canvas with a smile. I'm having fun with you. Knees to my chest, I kip up to my feet continuing to burn some energy to keep up with somebody so young, not that I'm old or anything... in the prime of my life.

Kip Up

On my feet, you rise up and throw that sidekick at my ribs, connecting, knocking me back as you get a grunt out of me. I stagger back to the ropes, one hand gripping the top while my other feels the impact spot. I wait for you to come my way again, playing up the wincing from the hit you just did...

After feeling my kick connect and then seeing you rubbing at it I know I just hurt you. I need to follow up as quickly as I can and rush toward you with my arm outstretched. when my clothesline connects you'll topple out of the ring, land on the hard cement floor and, then be mine for the taking!

Playing up the pain, you come rushing in seeing a golden opportunity to knock me over to the top rope to the outside. It's fool's gold though. I duck under the clothesline letting your chest hit the ropes then grab your head with both hands. I counter the foolish maneuver by RAMMING my knee into your gut with enough force to knock you up an inch or two.

<Image>  - Maddy on Leg Day

It's not over though, I then go to weave your head between the middle and top rope, pulling your arms over the top and holding your head back by the neck, your full frontside on display to the cheering crowd. I hold you there raising an arm as almost everyone knows what comes next...

<Image>  - Locked in the Ropes

I grunt in pain as you bend me between the ropes with my arms behind my back straining the sockets of my shoulders and my chest stretched painfully forward. Drool spills out my mouth through tightly clenched teeth as I moan but refuse to give you the satisfaction of hearing me scream in pain. "GRRRRRRRRR!"

A cameraman comes over close for this next part, putting it up on the big screen for all of the crowd not to mention the viewers at home to see crystal clear. Grabbing a fist full of your hair and bending you back, the middle rope pressing down against the top of your bulge, I pull you back nice and tight while raising the other hand in the air. Forming a fist, and then slam it down on your chest, right on that red spot I've been building from earlier. I do once.... pull your head back again... another slam.... then another.... all while my fans cheer as I maintain control of you.

Inverted Forearm Clubs in the Ropes

When you pound down onto my chest I let loose with a loud "OOOOFFF!" as wind is driven from my lungs. But you are not through. Again and again, you pull my hair back and expose my chest to your powerful downward hammer strikes. I wince in pain at each one with my chest getting a bigger and bigger red patch after each blow. I am only vaguely aware of the cameraman recording my plight. but the sounds of the cheering crowd echo in my ears. I have to do something as this is quickly turning into a squash job. when you deliver yet another hard blow I turn to face you and swing a big haymaker at your head!

With your arms bound in the ropes, it's gotta be hard to get one free like this, but you do so and throw a haymaker my way. The impact knocks me away from you, me shaking my head and feeling my jaw. With you still at least somewhat trapped in the ropes, I then step up behind you and slip my arms under yours gripping the back of your neck, my head alongside yours. "Think it's time I stripped you, boy..." I then try to pull you out of the ropes toward the center of the ring into a Full Nelson.

Full Nelson

We stand in the ring once again but I am unfortunately still under your control as you execute a perfect full-nelson on me. My bulge is shoved forward on full display with the tip of my tent having a spreading wet spot. I grimace as I try to escape. At the same time, I feel your hot, sweaty chest and abs pressed tightly to my equally slick and warm bareback

Oh yes, there is plenty of skin-to-skin contact in this hold, our bodies share their heat regardless if you want them to or not, all while my hairy chest is pressed against your back putting your own lightly hairy one again on display. I pull back my hips and THRUST my hard crotch into your backside, letting you feel the fucking that might be coming your way later. After a couple humiliating thrusts, I then toss you down face first here in the center of the ring. The crowd cheers because they know it is time... I reach down grabbing those black trunks of yours, grip them tight, and PULL them down your legs... then off your boots stripping you.

Backside Stripping

Again, your pelvic thrusts are enticing but not in this setting. However, I am having a hard time convincing my dick about that as it is rock-hard. When you pull my shorts down it bends along with them but suddenly snaps free coming back up to slap my lower belly. I'm now exposed totally cock, balls, pubes, and ass on full display for all to see. I roll over to my side attempting to get back to my feet and confront you.

Rolling over on your side, I see that cock of yours for the first time, a nice 7 inch cut one that is fully hard. I grab your hair and pull you to your feet, wrap one arm around your neck, then toss your other arm up over mine so the cameras can see your bent-over body in my grip. This is what would be a standard setup for a back suplex, however, I switch things up. Instead of gripping your missing trunks, I reach down and grip your dick, fingers firmly wrapped around it and I give it a couple strokes seeing your response. It is then that I go to lift you up holding it, then fall back landing another suplex to your back.

Frontal Facelock Suplex

You start with what I know is back suplex. I wonder only for a moment how you will grab me with me not having trunks on. I quickly get my answer as you grab my hard cock and use it like a handle. I let out a moan as you hoist me up using my dick as a hand grip! I get tossed to my back and hit with a hard impact. WHAM! the ring shakes as I hit onto my back. My still-hard cock wobbles to & fro flinging precum droplets all around as I lay on my back with my stomach heaving up & down as I gasp for air.

Rolling over on my hands and knees, I see you laid out with that leaky cock, and feel a little bit of your precum on my hand from jerking you moments ago. "Somebody's enjoying this..." I smile while you writhe... I then reach for your arm and a boot, shifting myself to your side. Wanting to put you further on display, I push both my boots to your back while I pull on your arm and leg, pulling you into a Bow and Arrow Lock.

Bow and Arrow Lock

The Ref drops to his knees beside you asking if you give, and I sincerely hope you don't yet.

I feel you stretch my body brutally and I know my strength is fading. I realize in y psyche that I have lost this match but my youthful pride refuses to allow me to admit it. I shake my head side to side 'no' when asked if I wanted to stop.

And that is what makes this so enticing, why my cock is rock hard while I work you, why the crowd cheers and watches... because we all know your struggle is now about pride not wanting to be broken. I work the Bow and Arrow harder, making every inch of your chest and cock stick out, leaving nothing from view for the crowd or our viewers to see.

Bow and Arrow Torture

Right when I think you might actually give up, I release your arms and leg letting them shoot forward from the built-up torque. I go ahead and kip up to my feet afterward, my hand rubbing my hard tenting trunks with an obvious dark blue spot growing over the tip.

I was being pulled to the brink of what my body could take putting my abs and cock on full display for the cheering crowd apparently liking what they saw. Just when I thought I could take no more you let me go. with relief, I slump forward onto my stomach resting my sweaty head on the damp canvas that smelled quite musty from hundreds of previous sweaty bouts before ours. I weakly work my way up to my knees & elbows.

Rising up with a smile, you start to pull yourself to your feet. I think I can give you a small break while I get ready for some more fun... I bring my thumbs to my blue trunks and drop them down, taking them off and revealing my own hard uncut cock to the crowd. My fans cheer once again as they see it, though perhaps you are not so happy to see me naked again as you can imagine what might be coming soon... I mean, I told you in the back, and it is almost time now. Almost.

Ready to Fuck

<Image> - Maddy's Cock

I then walk towards you hoping you are still recovering, grab your hair, and pull you to your feet... letting your face pass right by my dick to get a full view and sniff it along the way.

I have been badly beaten down but I still try somewhat to fight you off as I paw and slap at your firm abs almost on pure instinct. I give your hard & dripping cock a slap as well attempting to shove it away from me.

You slap my cock, my hips bend back in response as I feel your hand on it. "Oh you want to get fucked, don't you Parker?" That arm you just used to slap it, slide mine under it, and wrap my arm around the back of your neck, again bending you to put your body on display while I kick my leg up over your thigh. My hard cock pressed to your cheeks... not in a position to fuck you, that would be infeasible, but you can feel how eager my cock is to penetrate you. All the same, I go ahead and put you in an Abdominal Stretch!

Abdominal Stretch

Not yet done playing with you, my free hand by your cock moves down to it, fingers extended while I lean forward to let some saliva drip from my mouth onto my hand. Lube, like you were talking about in the back, and considerate of me. I then grip your 7 inch cock with my hand and start to stroke it while you are on display, the Ref asking if you want to give up.

Stretched and Jacked

I moan and squirm firmly in your grip but the feeling of you stroking my dick is actually pleasurable. but then I realize again where I am and in truth you are humiliating me, forcing me to spew my reproductive fluids to the cheering masses. I grunt and tell the referee "No! Fuck no!" But the strain on my stomach is becoming more and more painful as well. "Awww fuck you!" I say through desperate gasps for breath as I know what I am about to do because of your working hand.

"That's good Parker, don't give up yet!" I have such a huge smile on my face while the embarrassment fills you. I keep stroking your cock, the good ones too, my fingers slowing riding up and down with my index finger lingering over your v-spot, your frenulum. Adding to it, I plant my thumb on your cockhead and move it in a circle through your precum adding even more stimulation.

Stretching and Milking

I keep you here like this, until you either get free, or you start to spew your load. Either way, the fans are cheering the action.

Straining not to do it but knowing I was going to anyway I let out a deep moan as I simply cannot hold back anymore. When I felt cum flood my hard tube I knew it was all over. And cum I did sending spurt after creamy spurt out to spatter across the ring, "Aggghhhh fuck you, you bastard!" I yell angrier with myself not only for failing in the match but now being humiliated in public as you make me shoot my load for the cheering audience of mostly horny men.

Forced to Cum

Oh, it gets worse Parker, because this was a setup for what happens next. Right as I feel your balls start to pump, start to release your sperm, I release your cock and slide my hand down your legs to your boot. Gripping it, I pull that leg up and transition the Abdominal Stretch into an elevated position, into the move I call... the Elevator.

The Elevator

With your cock pushing past the point of no return, it now spews its load onto the canvas while the cameras capture it all, the Ref actually blushing slightly from watching the display. I hold you there while your balls empty, the rising and falling of your chest and ab muscles while the orgasm takes you. I hold you, and when you start to calm down, with that same smile on my face, I ask you a simple question... "You give?" Let's see your answer.

I was lifted and stretched brutally in this latest hold. When this was added to the severe ab stretching from your bow & arrow hold earlier I thought my ab muscles were going to tear on the spot. I let out a fierce moan that was not a 'yes' or a 'no' when asked if I wanted to 'give'.

Regardless of the words you might be thinking of giving, I'm ready to cover your mouth to deny it... I'm not done yet. I hold you there a little longer while your cock hangs dripping its cum. I then release the hold shoving you forward into the cum puddle you just made, my hard cock sticking straight out leaking some precum. Dropping down behind you, I pull back my foreskin, grab your hips, pull them up, and wrap one arm around your beaten abs, the other gripping your shoulder. I put you in the referee's position.

The Referee's Position

The tip of my cock presses to your hole now, about to penetrate you. "Give up and I'll be nice." I offer... Let's see how you choose to take the fucking you are about to receive.

"Naaaaghhhh...NO!" I manage to say as I struggle and squirm in your grasp struggling desperately to inch myself forward and away from your ass-spearing intentions.

Desperate to escape my cock, you inch forward. I can feel your hole quiver, tighten, wanting to keep me out, but it won't. I THRUST in slowly, letting you feel each and every inch as I force my way in, the cameras capturing the look on your face while I do so. Oh fuck... you feel so good on me. I reach my hands up grip your hair and start to fuck you doggie style now.

Fucked Doggy Style

The camera captures a look of pure pain as I am stretched and violated by your massive member. I had boyfriends fuck me before but none were hung like you and you plowed hard right into me. I could feel your cockhead deep inside my lower abdominal area and I was being stretched to the limit. I gritted my teeth and endured your forced taking of my ass best I could but I was faltering under your strength. I moaned and was nearly at the limit of my endurance. But, oddly enough, my cock had regained its hardness and was dripping pre like a faucet making a puddle under me.

I might just fuck a second load out of you, but let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Next up I release your hair, reach down and grab your arms. One after the other, I pull them loose so your face ends up on the canvas in some of the cum you spewed earlier from the Elevator. I pull them behind your back and hold them with one hand, a double hammerlock while I pull my cock out. Looking over to one of the cameramen, I wave them forward to get a better view... and sure enough, they even enter the ring so they can better document what I'm doing to you. I again penetrate you and start to fuck you like this now, with it being projected up on the big screen for the whole arena and many... many... more to see.

Best View in the House

I can't see the big screen but I see the cameraman's feet and know what he's filming and what everyone is seeing. I was being totally dominated by you. Hell, you were even holding both my arms just one of your hands. I felt your cock deep into my ass again intruding into my guts. It was not just the pain but the outright humiliation of being so dominated and controlled by you. "Please...please man just stop it...Stop!" I yelled as I felt my cum flood my tube again and, much to my dismay, I knew I was about to produce another series of cum spurts.

"Do you give up Parker?" I say as I start pulling my cock out to then force it back in, my cock has grown slick with precum. I'm really close to seeding you, but I bite my lip to hold it off just a moment longer to hear your response... spiking my cock into you again and again!

As you "spike" your cock deep into me again I squirm violently and say, "Yes, okay? I give! Is that what you want to hear? Oh fuck, man!

Then I just let out a deep guttural moan as I feel you stop thrusting but leave your huge tool inside me. I can feel your bristling pubes on my ass so I know you are in as far as you can go.

Thrust deep in you, bottomed out, all 8 inches right into your prostate, I hold it there with my balls about to burst. I release your arms and slip mine under yours, securing my hands behind your neck, and then roll over onto my back securing you in my finisher... The Full Sex Nelson.

The Full Sex Nelson

"Scream it! YELL IT!" I don't hold back now, I start thrusting again and a moment later, you feel it. I start to cum.

With me stretched out over your body my abs again are pulled taunt but, this time, you are driving your big cock deep into me and the camera is there to record it all. I wince and grimace, clenching my teeth tightly as a clearly noticeable bulge appears on my stretched-out abs. All those watching know it is your throbbing cock deep inside me causing that lump to appear. I strain not to yield to your demand for me to call out my submission. but, when you pull out and shove back in yet again creating another bulge in my gut I just have to, "Fucking A! Yes! I give I give!"

And so it happens, the bell starts to ring while I hold you like this, no more thrusts, just a pulsing of my cock as my balls unload.

3... 4.... 5...... Moaning.... 6.... Pumping...... 7....... Tightening the Nelson..... 8............. Nuzzling your head........ 9............. Light thrusting...... 10........... Slowing............. 11............. Ropes of Cum.... Fill you up..... and force their way deeper into your guts. "Oh fuck... You feel so.... good...." I whisper in your ear while the pain is cemented on your face. I then ease up on the hold but stay in you for a moment longer.

I'm still in pain but the sensation of having you spurt your seed right into my guts sends me over the top again and I too start spraying a load. But mine goes right up into the air like a fountain as I writhe and squirm atop you still locked in your Full Sex Nelson. My cum spatters down all over us both as you finish depositing your substantial load into my lower gut. Exhausted, totally spent and, aching all over I relax as I lay over your firm, super sweaty torso with your cock still stuck up my stretched and quivering ass.

Cum Fucked

As you erupt for the camera, I continue to nuzzle your head, the hormones have overtaken me from our forced union. A moment later, I roll us over on your belly and slowly pull out while the camera records the motion, my cum visible in your hole as it tries to expel it.

Slow Pullout

"Oh fuck Parker... That was a good fuck." I pat your back and stay behind you, then bring up both my arms in a nice double bicep pose. A blanket of white lights from camera phones flashes over us while I give my fans a perfect photo op, the grand start of the TV Title tournament.

As I roll over to my belly I savor the feeling of being allowed to rest even if it is on the dank, nasty canvas of the ring. I hear your name announced as the winner of the fight and the first round of the UKWW-TV Title fight is in the books. I had high hopes going in but ran into a buzzsaw named Madison Jones. The crowd was cheering and the flashbulbs were going off. At this point, I was not even minding that my well-fucked ass was still in full view of everyone.

With my fans cheering, I pat your back again realizing that maybe... I went a little overboard with you. "Let's get this hole checked Parker." I then grip your hips, rise to my feet, and lift you up slinging you over my shoulder. The cameraman in the ring gets a good close-up of your spread leaking hole while I slap it a couple times, then walking past him, I carry you off to the back bringing tonight's show to a close.

The End