Wednesday, April 17, 2024

SECW Title Rematch - Madison vs Kame

18:13 The_Announcer:
"Gentlemen, the following is scheduled for One Fall by Pinfall or Submission and is for the SECW Cruiserweight Title. LOSER GETS FUCKED!  Coming first to the ring, the challenger, standing 5'10" and weighing in at an even 200 lbs!  He is the In-Spur-Rational MADISON JOOOOONES!"

18:16 Madison_Jones:
An English cover of the song Alumina plays as I make my way from the back. Coming out from the back in my blue trunks and boots, I hold out my hands as a shower of sparks rains down over my body. Flashes from the crowd blanket me in the display.

Madison's Pyro Entrance

Cheering for me, they blanket me with a barrage of white flashes from phones while I walk to the ring wearing my blue trunks and boots. Getting to the ring, I roll in and Kip-Up to standing, then climb a turnbuckle and raise both arms. Another wave of light shines over me as I flex my muscles. Finally, I drop down and start to stretch on the corner ropes while watching the entrance. I wait for Kame to come down and have a dance for the belt it took off me last time.

The Announcer:
"And his opponent, standing at 5' 7" and weighing in at 191 lbs. He is the current SECW Cruiserweight Champion! The Heel of Dairyland! KAME!"

18:21 Kame06: 
I make my way to the ring. Disturbed's "Down with the Sickness" plays and I make my way to the ring wearing the SECW Cruiserweight belt. Slapping fan's hands all the way down the aisle.

I slide into the ring and smile at you as I raise the belt over my head. Pitch black Speedo along with black boots for this match.  The ref comes over to grab the belt from me and I honorably hand it over to him. Still staring you down as he raises the belt over his head.  Give you a sexy grin as I go to the center of the ring for rules and a handshake if you choose to honor it.

18:27 Madison_Jones:
Coming to the center of the ring after the Ref hands the belt off to the Announcer, I eye you while stretching out still. Once all the music dies down, I come to the center and join you while the ref does the usual talk of a clean match and all that. While he is talking, I reach out to accept the handshake.

18:27 Madison_Jones:  - Handshake

18:28 Madison_Jones:
"I'm not holding back today..." I then break off the shake bringing up both hands waiting for the bell. As soon as it rings, I lunge in for a collar and elbow.

18:30 Kame06:
You say you're not holding back and I expect it. As you lunge in for the collar and elbow I dodge and sneak behind you, hugging your waist as I use the momentum to charge us into the corner hoping to smash your chest first.

18:34 Madison_Jones:
The bell rings right as I lunge in. Slipping behind me with your arms around my waist, I then plant my heels to stop the movement with us ending up halfway to the buckle, both my hands on yours pushing them down in the full display as they slide around on my lower abs. I growl as you might try something big early, so I raise a boot and stomp it down on your right foot. Hoping to use that pain, I then twist one of your arms getting loose, and try to wrench it behind your back in a hammerlock.

18:37 Kame06:
Grunt as you block and stomp my boot. You break free and hammerlock my arm behind my back. I growl and reach behind me grabbing your head and use my momentum to flip you over and off of me as I roll to the other side of the ring shaking out my arm.

18:40 Madison_Jones:
Flipping me over you, I land on my back and then roll to the rope on my side not sure if you are going to follow up. You choose to pull back and shake your arm, so I pull myself up on the ropes keeping an eye on you. Both hands come up again as I move to the center of the ring and gesture for you to join me, again signaling for a collar and elbow... however this time, I expect you won't actually join me, so I get ready to grab that right arm if you try to give me the slip again.

18:42 Kame06:
I see you wanting the collar and elbow but this time I oblige and lock up with you. You start to power me back and I suddenly shift and headlock you cranking it hard. My fans cheering as your face is in my chest.

18:45 Madison_Jones:
Pulled into a side headlock, my face is pressed against your fuzzy chest. One hand grips your forearm around my head, and the other slips around to grab the rim of your black trunks on the other side. You probably expect me to use my normal counter here, the one that I've done to you the last few matches, but today is different. Instead, I pull back my knee and ram it into the back of your right knee while staying in the headlock. If you don't break off the hold, I try to land another hit there.

18:49 Kame06:
Growl as you knee my back hard. I get pissed and suddenly rake your eyes just before I release you. The ref in my face for the dirty move as I try to recover. Stepping away from you.

18:51 Madison_Jones:
You rake my eyes causing me to cry out, and the Ref does indeed start making a fuss about it as he was clear about wanting a clean fight. I back away from you checking my face for a moment, but then turning towards you with a flash of anger in my eyes. Shaking my head, I wait for the Ref to move out of the way, then charge at you trying to tackle you with my shoulder aimed right at your gut.

18:53 Kame06:
The ref moves out of the way and I see you charging. Little do you know I was right in front of the turnbuckle and I sidestep and shove you shoulder first into the steel post! My fans going wild!

18:55 Madison_Jones:
I cry out as you dodge to the side, my shoulder hitting the post while my ass stays up in the air for a moment for you to gaze at. It's only a moment though as I start to pull myself free from the buckle, wincing as my left arm hurts from the impact. I'm not helpless... if I sense you come up behind me, I sling my leg back with a mule kick hoping to land another blow on your right knee.

18:57 Kame06:
I charge not thinking and that mule kick connects with my knee. I grunt and drop to a knee right behind you. Growl and slap your ass really hard and it echos in the arena. SLAP!

18:59 Madison_Jones:
I wince at the slap, but that's about it, reaching up with my right arm to grip the top rope. Turning with you on your knees in front of me, I reach down and grab your head with both hands. I took a hit to my left shoulder, and while it hurt, it's still plenty functional. Gripping your head, I then pull it back and try to slam it into the middle turnbuckle once... Twice if I can.

19:01 Kame06:
Ughhhhhh face slammed into the top turnbuckle once, groaning as you go for the second, I suddenly block the second and slam my elbow back into your stomach hoping to back you up a bit.

19:05 Madison_Jones:
I grunt from the impact releasing your head ending up bent over slightly from the hit. I take a step back to get a good wind-up on this. Stepping forward I raise my knee up aimed at your head!'s a feint though. If you fall for my trick, I pull my raised knee to the side and instead stomp my boot down on the back of your calf, as high up to the knee joint as I can.

19:08 Kame06:
I see the knee coming for my head and I go to dodge it. Don't see your stomp and it connects and I cry out in pain and crumble to the mat holding my knee in excruciating pain. My fans worried.

19:11 Madison_Jones:
You can see how serious I am in my eyes for this, and given your position so close to my bulge, can also see it is firming up into a nice blue tent. All the same, as you go to grab your knee so close to the corner, I reach down to grab your arms positioning myself behind you. My left arm isn't at full strength, but I should be able to pull this next part off. I spread your arms with you on your knees nice and wide, and let all your worried fans see your wide chest and bulge facing the corner. I go to lock in a Kneeling Surfboard.

Kneeling Surfboard

"How's that feel champ?"

*slips quietly into the back*

19:15 Kame06:
I groan as you stretch me in the surfboard. Ref in my face asking for my submission as I shake my head no. As I turn my head I see your bulge and I turn my head and suddenly start to suck on your bulge through your speedo hoping to create a distraction.

19:18 Madison_Jones:
And so the sexual acts start up... though you of all people know I see wrestling as a whole as completely erotic. My bulge hardens and the blue fabric darkens from your saliva, but I wrench your arms hard with the surfboard and growl. "Not this time..." I then release the arm, pull my boot up to your back, and kick you into the corner.

19:21 Kame06:
Groan as you kick me hard and send me face first into the corner. As you wrench on the hold more I drag my boot to the ropes and catch it as the ref starts his count for you to break the hold.

19:24 Madison_Jones:
I want to stay on the ref's good side... I release the hold now and back away, eyeing you carefully and taking account of where you seem most hurt. There is the knee I've been targeting... your head took a couple hits, and I just worked your arms a little. Rolling my left shoulder, gesture for you to get up and join me in the center, again signaling to lock up with me.

19:25 Kame06:
I slowly make my way up to my feet and back up into the corner, bracing myself in the corner arms spread over the top ropes breathing heavily. Not accepting your invitation for a lockup as I stand there trying to recover.

19:28 Madison_Jones:
I move in slowly, you looking like wounded prey makes my bulge tent harder. When I get to you, I pull back my hand and go to deliver a loud knife chop to your chest that echoes through the arena. Pulling my hand back, I then try to land another one with you in the corner.

19:30 Kame06:
Ohhhhhhhhh! The chop connects and I start to slump. Then a second and I groan and collapse to my ass sitting in front of the turnbuckle holding my chest.

19:32 Starfox:
*winces knowing how those sting*

19:35 Madison_Jones:
The champ isn't looking too good... As you lay there feeling those red marks on your chest, I reach down and grab your legs with both hands getting your ankles under my pits and hands behind your boots. Taking a deep breath, I then PULL you from the corner on your back to the center of the ring. It only gets worse from here, because I pivot on my heels and start to spin, wincing as I fight the aggravation in my left shoulder, but lifting your back off the canvas. I start up a Giant's Swing.

The Giants Swing

19:36 Kame06:
Ughhhhhhhh pulled out from the center of the ring and caught in your nasty swing. Holding my head trying to fight off some of the vertigo. Uhhhhhhhhhhh!

19:40 Madison_Jones:
4... 5... 6... rotations, the crowd cheers and counts along due to this move's fame in recent years. However, instead of releasing it and letting you fly through the air, I do something unusual with it. Slowing the momentum of the swing, I let your back drop to canvas almost skidding along it while I start to muscle you over on your belly. I work to transition into a hold taught to me by a friend. I transition into a Texas Cloverleaf.

Giant's Swing to Sharp Shooter

19:42 Kame06:
The swing transitions to the cloverleaf and I scream in AGONY.... FUUUUUUCK! Clawing at the mat trying to crawl to the ropes. Inching closer and closer. When I finally reach the bottom rope and grasp it!

19:46 Madison_Jones:
You crawl your way there while the fans take in the sight of the former belt owner keeping control. As you claw, I fight as much as I can, but my shoulder is bugging me from swinging your weight around and now holding you. When you grab the rope, the Ref is quick to call it, and I hesitate for a moment before releasing. Adjusting my trunks after letting you go, I step away to give you a moment to recover while I again roll my shoulder thinking of what to work on your body next. I breathe somewhat heavily showing a nice layer of sweat while I stand there.

Heavy Breathing

19:47 Kame06:
Moan as you release me and I crawl to my knees in front of you back on fire as I slowly get to my feet legs shaking. Watching you, waiting to see your next move.

19:48 Starfox:
woof, Kame06 looking wrekt

19:50 Madison_Jones:
I reach forward, right hand for your collar, left hand for your shoulder aiming to force a collar and elbow. If it works, I resist the urge to toy with you and start to back you up towards the rope, halfway between two of the corners. Let's see if I get you there...

19:53 Kame06:
You lunge in and lock up with me forcing me to the ropes, I struggle and my back hits the ropes. Grimacing in pain trying to fight back!

19:58 Madison_Jones:
I press my forehead to yours, in part to prevent a headbutt while I talk. "Should have tapped out..." I then go to push your arms over the ropes, reach under the top rope, and grab both your wrists with my sweaty hands, the rope digging into your armpits as a result. I then slide my head down your chest, past those red marks to your abs while I drop to my knees. Both your legs are alongside my ribs with my arms practically over your knees, perfect to avoid any kicks from you. There is just one thing to do while I have you like this...

19:59 Madison_Jones:
I bring my lips to the rim of your trunks, bite the fabric with my teeth, and lower those black trunks so your cock plops out.

20:00 Kame06:
Growl as you trap me in the ropes, the bad thing for you though is the ref calls for the break and starts to count 1,2,3,4...

20:02 Madison_Jones:
I growl at him for cutting into my fun, but perhaps he is right. The more responsible part of me says that business comes before pleasure, a problem that my recent set of losses has been teaching me. Your cock out and in front of my face, I give it a long lick bottom to tip as I release your hands. I then rise to my feet and back away...

20:03 Kame06:
Moan as you tease my tip, you release me and I GROWL and suddenly lunge firing a big uppercut under your jaw. Hoping it lands to gain some momentum.

20:06 Madison_Jones:
The uppercut hits, knocking me back as I was rising up. Staggering back to the center of the ring, my head shifted to the side, I bring my hand up to feel my chin. "I was trying to be nice there before I take your belt from you..." I then step forward, raise a boot, and try to kick you in your right knee, the one I've been targeting.

20:08 Kame06:
See the kick coming and I catch your boot lifting your leg up high I use my other leg to trip you back to your back, still holding that leg I grasp behind the knee and roll over into a single leg Boston. Momentum slightly swinging.

20:11 Madison_Jones:
Dropping to my back, I throw out my arms slapping the canvas to help negate the falling damage... an old Aikido trick. I don't have much time to wince from my shoulder as you immediately start to flip me over looking to get me into a single leg Boston crab. I could start to crawl to the canvas... or I could show you exactly why this was such a bad idea. While the Ref does his job and starts to check for a submission, I raise my elbow up and ram it back into your right knee once. I pull it forward again and continue to do this until you stop me or release the hold.

20:17 Kame06:
Growl as you elbow the back of my knee. The ref is still in your face so I make a fist and do the unthinkable and slam my fist into your exposed bulge. The crowd groans as I cheap shot you. My knee is almost giving out as I release you after the low blow.

20:18 John_Bull: *gasp*
20:18 Arab_papi: Oof

20:20 Madison_Jones:
Growling as I work the knee, I suddenly let out a cry as you land the cheap shot to my bulge. The Ref is unaware of what happened, at least officially, and so when you drop me, he gives you a firm look as my curling up holding my groin shows that I took the illegal move. Rules are rules and for now, he doesn't disqualify you.

As I roll over on my side, I use my right hand to start pulling myself away from you needing a moment to recover.

20:22 Kame06:
I growl and stagger over to you. Clamp your legs into mine and grab your arms and suddenly roll back putting you in a suspended surfboard. Putting you on display for the crowd.

20:24 Madison_Jones:
Normally I would have a way to fight this, but reeling from the low blow, I am pulled up into the air, my full sweaty torso and tenting trunks on display while you stretch me out. I growl while the Ref asks if I give up, shaking my head side to side, and shifting my weight. I know your knee is bad, so I try to shift as much weight as I can onto it knowing you would have to abandon the hold or do something else.

20:25 Kame06:
Growl as you start to shift and my knee starts to ache. I suddenly release your arms and use my legs to fling you forward crashing you face first into the mat.

20:29 Madison_Jones:
Releasing my arms, there is only a split second to react as your legs lower my knees to the canvas. Given I was expecting this result, it's a reaction I'm able to make, bringing both arms up to cushion my head while my chest torso, and legs hit the canvas with a loud sound. After I impact the canvas, I move my arms out from under my head to sell the impact of the move. Letting out a pain-filled moan, for the moment, I appear to be stunned.

20:31 Kame06:
Growl and get to my knees behind you. Grab your speedo and rip it off of you exposing your fine ass for the crowd. Toss it out of the ring and flex a bicep.

Stripped Naked

20:31 John_Bull: *wolf whistles*

20:32 Madison_Jones:
It's time for everyone's favorite sight, the sight of me getting stripped and my ass and cock being let out.

I play into it, act like I'm surprised, and even flail my arms a little while you rip the fabric from me. When you go toss it out of the ring, that is when I strike. I flip on my side wrapping my arms around your right leg, pull you forward towards the center of the ring, and pull tight on the ankle till it is nearly touching your ass. I go to lock in a Calf Slicer.

Calf Slicer

20:35 Kame06:
Arggggggghhhhh!!!!! I scream as you surprise me with the calf slicer. Fucking scream in agony and growl. Reaching for the ropes trying to get to them.

20:39 Madison_Jones:
I see you reaching for the ropes, and a smile crosses my face for the first time tonight as I feel the desperation in you. I might be able to make you tap out here, and reclaim my belt, but I'm leaving things to chance at the moment any more than I have to. I let you struggle and drag us there, and right as you are about to grab the rope, I get to my knees and release the hold for a moment, that way the Ref won't order me off you. Instead, I immediately grab your ankles and pull you to the center of the ring, then rise to my feet letting everyone see my hard cock that has been hidden from my fans all night.

20:39 Madison_Jones:    - Maddy's Cock

I then step on the back of your knees, pull your ankles up twist them with my legs, and start up a move you are very familiar with... I set you up for my finisher, the Romero Special.

Romero Special Setup

20:42 Kame06:
You start the set up of the move and I grunt from the pain of you setting it up. Struggling below you as the crowd gets tense.

20:46 Madison_Jones:
Reaching forward with my right arm first, I grip your right shoulder sliding my hand down your arm and gripping your wrist, then pull it back. I reach forward on the left side, grunting from the shoulder pain, but do the same eventually pulling that arm of yours back too. "This is how you do it..." I say as I start to rock back. The first time gets your chest barely off the canvas only for the weight to plop back with me still on you, but I continue to build the momentum rocking back a second time. That time you almost get pulled to your knees, but still not enough momentum... On the third pull, I pull you to your knees and then up into the air. I transition into the second part of the Romero Special... a Suspended Surfboard.

Suspended Surfboard

20:47 Kame06:
I groan in pain, the pain intense as you hold me up in the suspended surfboard, just trying to hold off. Tears streaming down my face falling down onto you.

20:50 Madison_Jones:
My only regret in all of this is that I didn't strip you first, but today is about reclaiming my title and not the usual foreplay. With you suspended and on the verge of tapping, the Ref even asking you, I continue the motion. Lowering you to your knees, I release your left arm first and bring that hand up to your neck gripping your chin tightly. I then do the same with my right hand, putting more pressure on your back while I transition into the third part of the Romero Special, a Constricting Choke.

Surfboard to Choke

20:53 Kame06:
I am lowered to my knees and you lock on the choke. Gasping trying to breathe, I take one last ditch effort and suddenly reach back to your face raking your eyes once again. Hoping it's enough to get you to release. Fading.

20:56 Madison_Jones:
And of course, you know the weakness of this move. You are so familiar with me, it only makes sense. Raking my face, I cry out in pain, my hands releasing your chin. It isn't without consequence, for all the tension built up in your back, in spine from the hold is suddenly released outside of my control, and that flings your torso forward into the canvas. I roll on my side with my hands coming to my face checking it before getting up to my hands and knees.

Getting Up

20:58 Kame06:
Flung face first into the mat I groan in pain weak as I slowly crawl away from you. Get to the corner turnbuckle and turn putting my back against it using the ropes to pull myself up.

21:01 Madison_Jones:
I get to my feet, cock completely hard and swaying side to side. Getting my eyes on you, I let out a growl and come your way, but I'm cautious as I remember the foolish tackle I tried earlier. When I get close to you, I lift a boot as though I'm about to stomp on your knee... I expect you will protect the joint, and if you do, I instead slam my boot into the side of your head.

21:05 Kame06:
I see you coming and I go down to grab your boot, as you lift it my head ducks and you completely miss the kick swinging around facing away from me, I capitalize and lunge chop blocking the back of your knee in retaliation.

21:07 Madison_Jones:
The chop to the back of my knees causes me to buckle down onto them, bent over. Looking back briefly, I growl and throw my right elbow back as I rise up to my knee, trying to hit you square upside your head behind me.

21:10 Kame06:
Umphhhhh rocked hard in the side of the head and I groan. Dizzy my hand comes forward and shoves a finger into your hole finger fucking you, the crowd going wild.

21:14 Madison_Jones:
On my knees with you behind me, you bring your finger and shove it inside of me. My eyes go wide from the action, my cock twitches and the crowd loves it. But I am not done fighting. I fire back my elbow again on the side of the hand you are fingering me with. I realize this might hurt me, my hole is tight and clenching your finger, the muscles actively trying to repel it... but if I can knock you out... then all that will be left to do is fuck you with my belt on.

21:18 Kame06:
I don't see it coming and I take another elbow this time to the other side of my head, I moan and slump back into the turnbuckle dazed shaking my head trying to react quickly. My hand falls from your ass as I stop fingering you.

21:20 Madison_Jones:
There is some pain from your finger due to my motion, but the act of you slumping back slides your finger from my hole. I might have knocked you out... I turn to face you while the Ref starts to check on you, lifting your hand to see it drop. While he is doing that, I can't resist myself... I reach forward and grab your black trunks, and then pull them down your legs and off your body. Let's see if your hand drops all three times...

21:23 Kame06:
Moaning as the ref checks and my arm drops 1, then 2, as he lifts it a third it almost falls all the way before I suddenly stop it and raise my arm up. My cock is rock hard and leaking as I sit in the corner shaking my head out.

21:27 Madison_Jones:
"Kame... You're giving it your all... I'll give you that..." I say as I then grab your legs, rise to my feet, and DRAG you from the corner. Spinning my body to wrap your bad leg around mine, I set you up for a move that will surely finish this if I lock it in. Looking down at you with my cock rock hard, I then try to finish it. I try to lock in a Figure Four Leglock.

Naked Figure Four

21:30 Kame06:
Arghhhhhh! Screaming in agony as you lock on the fig four. Holding my head in agony not wanting to give the crowd on their feet. I lift my hand up getting ready to tap and suddenly make a fist.... suddenly start to roll trying my hardest to roll you over, rocking back and forth, back and forth. Gaining a little momentum. Tears in my face so close, as I grunt and suddenly flip us over.

21:33 Madison_Jones:
My arms spread wide fighting you every step of the flip, my shoulder hurting from earlier. Perhaps that is what allows this to work, you flip us over, reversing the hold, and I immediately cry out. I try to flip us back over at first, but a combination of fatigue and my shoulder proves to be too difficult. I start to crawl, dragging us as I make my way to the ropes knowing you will draw this out as long as possible.

21:35 Kame06:
Moaning trying to maintain position. Still struggling as you crawl and make your way to the ropes you grasp it and the ref starts his count 1,2,3,4 and I suddenly release you and hold my legs in agony barely hanging on.

21:37 Madison_Jones:
It's pure agony, the Ref starts to count as I hold the ropes knowing that you will draw this out as long as possible. Once you finally release, I take a couple moments breathing heavily as I clutch the ropes.

On the Ropes

21:38 Madison_Jones:
It's only a couple moments though before I start to pull myself up to my feet and turn towards you, my cock rock hard as it has been waiting so very patiently. I move towards you on a shaky leg, lift the other one, and try to slam my heel into the side of your head.

21:41 Kame06:
I slowly get to my knees and see that heel coming to my head. I duck and suddenly lunge with one last burst, grabbing you and rolling you up. Looking like I'm going for a roll up pin but I suddenly try to trap you in a tight spladle as I try to trap both of your legs with my arms and one good leg.

21:43 Madison_Jones:
Rolled up into Spladle, my legs spread wide with my hard cock on full display, the foreskin still up but the tip is slightly visible at the top. I growl as you spread my legs wide and hard, shake my head, and ball up my fist. I then start punching you wherever I can, but if possible, I aim for the head.

21:45 Kame06:
I try cranking the spladle harder and then it happens you try punching and start swinging your fist wildly. You think you're going for my head when it connects with my balls and I let out a major cry automatically releasing you and I clutch my bois in agonizing pain. Fuuuuuuck.

21:51 Madison_Jones:
I wasn't quite sure what happened, I was striking on instinct but landed a hit to your balls. The Ref starts to get huffy about it, and I almost apologize, but you did a low blow before... "That's your receipt." Rolling over to my hands and knees next to you while you clutch them, I take full advantage with a single motion of my hand slipping back my foreskin. Slipping one hand under your right arm and clasping it behind your neck, and then try to do the same with the left hand. If it works and I secure the Full Nelson, wet leaking cock pressed up against your ass instinctively searching for your hole, I then roll over on my back kicking up my legs. I now try to finish you with... The Full Sex Nelson.

The Full Sex Nelson

21:54 Kame06:
Fuuuuuuck still aching in my balls as you lock on the nelson and instinctively roll to your back as your cock enters my hole I moan and struggle. My hole squeezes your cock as I use my legs to push up. The ref checking your shoulders realizing you are pinned he slaps 1!

21:59 Madison_Jones: 
It's not hard to shift my weight and get us on our side while the hold is still locked in. As for the more important part, I start to thrust my cock now, plowing deep into your hole while my base instincts take over. Part of me realizes I am breaking what I set out to do today, business first, but there is no denying how much of a weapon an 8 inch cock plowing my opponent's prostate is. The act of fucking you in the nelson has me rolling left and right, shoulders occasionally down for the Ref to start a count, but the rocking shifts us side to side getting my shoulders back up breaking it. Eventually, I just roll you on your belly while I keep fucking you like this, my cock and balls getting closer and closer to their release. "Give it up..." I whisper in your ear.

22:02 Kame06:
Struggling in your grasp the ref moves up on trying to count the pin and focuses his attention on me. My cock is rock hard and leaking as you pound my hole and prostate. My balls seizing up as you work my hole, moaning fucking hard as suddenly my cock ERUPTS like a geyser. FUUUUUUCK IIIIIIIII GIIIIIIVVVVEEEEE! Shooting rope after rope screaming my submission and losing the title to the former champ.

22:04 Madison_Jones:
I roll back on my back when you start to give up so the whole crowd and cameras can see you. Part of me wants to pull out and get the belt to fuck you with, but I'm so far past the point of needing to erupt. I keep fucking you hard now, constricting your body, my shoulder burning, but my base desires in the driver's seat.

Fucked in Submission

Thrusting hard, forcing your own erupting cock up in the air as it spews onto your abas and thighs, I keep it up and let out a roar in your ear when the deep happens. The tightness of the hold remains while I feel you clenched on me, my balls push over... and I start to fill you with cum.

... 3.... 4... 5.... Still Thrusting..... 6..... 7...... FASTER...... 8....... 9.......... Slowing..... 10....... Easing up..... 11....... Nuzzling you...... 12....... total.... ropes.... unload fill you up and leak down my thigh onto the canvas. The Bell Ring.

22:08 Kame06:
Moaning on top of you completely fucking spent as my cock leaks the rest out and I slump down on top of you, breathing heavily. Losing the match but putting up one hell of a fight trying to retain it the crowd cheers for both of us.

The Announcer
"And your winner by Submission, and new SECW Cruiserweight Champion! The IN-SPUR-RATIONAL MAD-I-SON JOOOOOONES!"

22:11 Madison_Jones:
I keep nuzzling you while you lay there, but a moment later, I pull out getting to my knees as the Ref brings over the belt and holds up my hand. I'm breathing deeply, exhausted, and hurting, but there is still more to do. Taking it, rise to my feet and slowly put it on so it rests on my hard cock. I look down at you, and oh fuck do I want to fuck you again... but not after that. I hold out a hand to help you up instead.

22:13 Kame06:
I moan and take your hand. Getting to my feet I give you a big hug and then raise your arm for the crowd. Such a war was fought this evening and the spectators got what they paid for. I open the ring ropes for you making way for you to exit the ring and follow you back to the locker room.

22:13 Madison_Jones:
"Let's get that knee looked at..." I say as we depart from the ring...

The End

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